UV-C sensitivity
Are you looking for reliable solutions to keep your water safe and clean? Our high-quality UV-C systems are the ideal solution for this. The UV-C light from our systems penetrates the polluting microorganisms to powerfully break the DNA from within. This is how we clean every water flow, keeping water accessible to everyone. Although all micro-organisms are sensitive to UV-C light, the degree of sensitivity depends on their structure. The fewer barriers the UV-C light has to pass, the easier it is for the UV-C light to break down the DNA of the micro-organism. The structure of the organism therefore determines the dosage of UV-C light that is applied. For a high UV-C sensitivity, the applied UV-C dose is low; with low sensitivity the dosage is high. Each micro-organism has its own disinfection dosage. The dose is displayed in Joules per m2 (J/m2).