
Sustainable solution for global water quality and quantity

Sustainable solution for global water quality and quantity

Development of the NanoX concept: a robust, controllable and controlled process for high-quality water quality, with a low CO2 footprint, reduced energy consumption, low chemical consumption and no harmful by-products, providing a scalable solution to global water quality and quantity challenges. NanoX is a treatment concept based on series switching of hollow fibre nanofiltration and advanced UV oxidation for direct reuse of effluent from sewage treatment plants, but also for reuse of industrial wastewater or treatment of surface water to drinking water quality as an alternative to excessive groundwater use.

NanoX Project

The background to the NanoX project is the increasing challenge (caused by e.g. desiccation due to climate change) to have sufficient water available of the right quality, which is becoming more and more challenging worldwide due to the presence of increasing concentrations of organic micropollutants (medicine residues, pesticides), microplastics and nanoparticles, and (antibiotic-resistant) pathogens and genetic residues.

The NanoX project was made possible partly with grants from the EU and the European Regional Development Fund.