Transport & storage

Ensuring the quality of water for transport services

In the transport sector, water is usually stored for an extended period of time in storage tanks or buffers. Stagnant water can quickly become contaminated with bacteria, making it unusable. That is a waste of these precious gallons of water that pose a safety risk or could actually be put to good use. Our specialised UV-C disinfection systems are the recommended solution to keep water clean and safe on the road. We enable reliable water disinfection in mobile situations.


A train stores an average of 15,000 litres of water, which quickly gets contaminated standing still in storage. Our specialised disinfection systems guarantee this precious water maintains its top quality standards.

Disinfecting water in mobile situations

To guarantee top-quality water on the road, we developed our advanced ‘Rolling Stock disinfection systems’ that disinfect drinking water. These compact installations have been microbiologically proven, are shock- and vibration-resistant and meet railway standards. Furthermore, the system is easy to operate, so that employees or travellers can safely use water in the mobile situation.

To enable us to offer integrated solutions in the water supply chain, we are always looking for partners with whom to join forces. Are you interested in collaborating, or are you curious about the possibilities for water purification or keeping water safe for mobile situations? Please feel free to contact us.