From somersaults in jacuzzis to great ambitions in the world of water

Van Remmen 25 years: love for the familybusiness and a look into the future with the next generation

Once walking around UV systems in nappies, they are now ready to take Van Remmen UV Technology to even greater heights. Thomas (30), Dorien (28) and Wessel (24) van Remmen share their love for the family business and look to the future. ‘I get to spend 8 hours a day with my family, how special is that?!’

Heaven in a horse stable

Some kids struggle for years to become popular among their peers. Other kids cheated by having both a jacuzzi and a swimming pool at their disposal. Thomas, Dorien and Wessel van Remmen belonged to the latter group. Though there was a reason for this. “The pool and Jacuzzi were meant to test the functionality of the UV systems. And what better way to do that than with a bunch of kids covered in snot and filth to properly contaminate the water?’’, laughs Dorien. ‘But it was amazing to do that with friends. Even if the pool was set up among the installations and supplies in a former horse stable.

Fifth child

It highlights how the brothers’ and sister’s childhood were intertwined with their father’s company. ‘The business was really Ton’s fifth child’, says Thomas. ‘And we grew up with it right from the start. At first, by playing with bubble wrap and cardboard boxes, and later by doing small tasks in the office. I still remember how thrilled we were to stick labels on things and cut electrical wires.” Wessel, being a few years younger, delayed his productive contributions for a bit longer. “I mainly snuck into the office with my friends to steal biscuits. We’d make s’mores with marshmallows. We thought no one had noticed us, but it turned out later that they had.”

Love for water

It wasn’t always easy. Ton was away a lot, and work and private life often blended together. ‘But after we moved to our current location on Hooglandweg, that changed’, says Dorien. ‘The office and home were separated. Physically and mentally. My mother was strict about it too: work stays at the office, home is home.’ Still, the passion – water, in this case – found its way. ‘I went on to study Science, specialising in management and innovation,’ says Thomas. Wessel: ‘And studying wasn’t my thing, so I started spending more and more time working at the company until I joined full-time.’ Today, Wessel is product engineer, Dorien the office manager and Thomas works in business development and sales.

Living and working together

The dynamics in a family business are unique. You’re no longer just a brother, sister, son, or daughter, but you’re also a colleague. And not just to your family members. ‘I sometimes felt insecure about being ‘the daughter of,’ says Dorien. ‘But our colleagues approach it in such a positive way, and that’s really nice.’ Spending so much time with family is something special, she adds. ‘I get to spend 8 hours a day with my family, how amazing is that?! We were already close, but working together has made that bond even stronger. I also get to share in my brother’s lives a lot more, and that means so much to me. ‘

Van remmen 25 years office manager
Van Remmen 25 years family

Looking ahead

The way the family operates is set to change in the coming years. Ton is approaching retirement age and plans to gradually step back. But who will take over the reins? And what will that transition look like? ‘We’ll figure that out in the coming years,’ says Thomas. ‘But we want to provide clarity as soon as possible.’ There’s no shortage of enthusiasm and ambition. ‘We have a fantastic product that we want to use in even more places. Our goal is to further internationalise and increase our impact on water treatment. Not necessarily all over the world, but close to home, in Europe, so we can maintain strong control over quality and processes. In doing so, we want to help the company and our team grow.’

Recognizable soul

No matter what happens, one thing is certain: the soul of Van Remmen will remain intact. ‘We’ll stay curious, continuing to research, measure, and refine our systems to push them further,’ says Thomas. ‘And we’ll remain a flat organisation with short lines of communication, where we work together in an open, transparent way. And where our customers can join us for the communal lunch. That accessibility is just who we are.’ Dorien nods in agreement: ‘And I hope we’ll keep sharing our story and knowledge more effectively. That we’ll develop a programme to teach businesses, as well as citizens or schoolchildren, about our techniques and inspire them to work towards clean and safe water for everyone. That way, the soul of the company stays the same, but we expand our impact on the world.‘